Ocean Nav - RYA or Bespoke Training
Learn Something New Today:- Sextant, Tides, Weather, ColRegs (IRPCS), Diesel Engine, 12 Volt electrics
Simon is a superb instructor and a great coach, his knowledge is superb as is his ability to pass that knowledge on.
There are articles on the use of the Sextant, How 12 volt electrics work, Tropical Revolving Storms
All of his articles are available in the "Shop", this can be found in the main menu top right of the page.
C.H.I.R.P. Confidential Hazardous Incident Reporting
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CHIRP is a charity interested in investigating hazardous incidents at sea. The purpose of CHIRP is to educate, both the Skippers, Captains, Owners and or operators of vessels at sea. Any form of hazard can be reported to CHIRP, just click here https://report.chirpmaritime.org/submit.aspx

The UK Confidential Hazardous Incident Reporting Programme, more commonly known by the acronym CHIRP, has been operating in aviation since 1982. CHIRP was established in its present form, as a charitable company limited by guarantee, on 1 November 1996. This corporate structure was selected in order to provide a totally independent organisation, with management and fiscal responsibilities held by an independent Board of Trustees.
The Maritime Programme started in 2003, originally receiving UK Government funding, it is now funded by sponsorships from The Corporation of Trinity House, The Lloyds Register Foundation, Britannia P & I Club, International Foundation to Aids to Navigation, Seafarers UK, UK P & I, TK Foundation and Cammell Laird.
What Does CHIRP DO?
CHIRP currently receives confidential incident reports from professional and amateur participants in the maritime sector, both from within the UK and overseas and across all disciplines.
On being received, reports are validated as far as is possible and reviewed with the objective of making the information as widely available as possible whilst maintaining the confidentiality of the source. Anonymous reports are not normally acted upon as they cannot be validated. When appropriate, report information is discussed with relevant agencies with the aim of finding a resolution. Only disidentified data is used in discussions with third party organisations and the confidentiality of the reporter is assured in any contact with an external organisation.
No personal details are retained from reports received. After ensuring that the report contains all relevant information, all personal details are returned to the reporter with an acknowledgement letter. Each report is allocated unique reference identification. After the return of personal details, CHIRP is unable subsequently to contact the reporter. The reporter may, if he/she wishes, contact the CHIRP office for additional information by using the report reference identification.
A newsletter FEEDBACK, covering current topics from disidentified reports and including new report forms, is produced four times a year and distributed widely, currently with a hard copy circulation of around 38,000. Some reports are disidentified further (e.g. time and place, company, reporter's gender) before being published in FEEDBACK, or making any data available to other agencies. FEEDBACK maintains an awareness of Human Factors issues within the sector and provides a forum for discussion.
We use Facebook to comment on current maritime safety issues, particularly those in which confidential reporting of hazardous incidents could contribute to improvement. Please Click here to be linked to our Facebook Maritime page.
Disidentified data is recorded in a secure database for analysis of key topics and trends. Report here https://report.chirpmaritime.org/submit.aspx